—- Cortex Magazine
Formal vs Informal Learning
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFFormal learning is your typical classroom standardized education, and informal education is all the other learning that happens in daily life. Society often thinks of learning in the formal sense, but much of life’s most...
What is Reflexivity and its Connection to Reflective Learning
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFOne can highlight contrast by sharing similarities. Reflexive and reflective practice is powerful. They both require awareness of self. They both build knowledge, shape our thinking and being, and create emergent...
The Triangular Relationship: Organization – Client – Coach
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICF Learning is an ethical activity. Professional coaching begins with a straightforward design on how and why the coach, client and sponsor will be together and their rights and responsibilities (International Coach Federation,...
Multicultural Leadership Practices
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFThe Multicultural Act (1988) states everyone is equal, valued, respected, has the freedom to express themselves, and is protected under the law. I wish it were this easy. Culture is a social construct, and when we focus on our...
Why Talking Out Loud Works
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFDialogue is power(ful)--there is much impact in talking out loud. I believe we have all witnessed the insights we generate when we hear someone else speak aloud (think of listening to a keynote speaker). Moreover, when we hear...
Revealing – A Found Poem
Revealing - A Found PoemWritten by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFFound poetry is taking sources from others' profound work (in my case below, it's all taken from peer-reviewed research) and 'restorying' them to create new meaning. This is one of my fav's (I have...
Self-Awareness — The Key to Successful Leadership
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFAristotle is famous for saying, "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." Socrates' motto is "know thyself." Nelson Mandella, a more current celebrated leader, shared in a letter to his wife from his jail cell,...
Replace Judgment with Curiosity
Written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICF In my practice, I see people getting stuck in their one-way thinking about situations, other people, and themselves. These are the stories we tell ourselves that keep us stuck. And the more a person thinks about things in...
Resistance to Change–to Moving Forward
Article written by Suzanne Conroy, M.Ed., CTI, ICFWe are all going through this ebb and flow of monumental change throughout this pandemic. Some of our colleagues/family/friends go through it with reasonable ease and some with deep resistance. Resistance is likened to...