
–Your new way to lead



The LEADERSHIP Method underpins my thinking and work in leader and leadership development and my life. I created this framework to develop leadership and learn about self and others with clarity, structure, and ownership. Leader identiy, learning, and building strenghth are central to this framework, where each person leads themselves and leads others.

When you and your team work with Suzanne, there is a ripple effect.


When one person works with Suzanne and develops their awareness of themselves, takes ownership of their behaviour, and develops their leadership skills to lead others through, it generates a rise in learning and leadership capacity.


When multiple people enact the framework through the coaching dialogue within an organization, they also learn and build their leadership capacity.

The result is increased self-awareness and knowledge within the whole team, linking them together and allowing truth and trust to be catalysts for authentic communication with each individual and with others where everyone is working to be their best and bring out the best in each other.


Because humans are not static, coaching and The Leadership Method are not one-time tools. They serve as touchstones for a lifetime of learning and elicit mastery as leaders of self and others.

The Myth of Leadership

❌ Leadership is just for people with high-paying jobs

❌ Leadership is just about how you lead other people

The REALITY of Leadership

✅ We all have people we lead at home, work, and in everyday life.

We can’t lead others with strength without first leading ourselves.


Self-leadership is your ability to masterfully lead yourself.

  • It means knowing who you are and recognizing the impact of your behaviours.
  • Leading self is knowing your strengths, uncovering blind spots, and challenging your assumptions and biases.
  • It is accessing your courage to work through your inner critics and self-limiting beliefs.
  • Self-leadership is believing in your whole self, and when you make mistakes, you reflect to learn and grow from them.
  • Self-leadership isn’t about going through life alone–it is about creating trusting, open and vulnerable partnership(s) to help you move forward.
  • Leading self is making choices in self-care, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, that support your best self.
  • Your values, purpose, and vision guide you; you take ownership and responsibility for your whole self.
  • As a leader of self, you embrace curiosity, self-reflection, and lifelong learning to create your continuous evolution.



Leading others is helping them recognize and unlock their infinite potential.

  • It requires creating a safe, open, authentic space to communicate, reflect, inquire, listen, challenge thinking, and learn, where you are, both the teacher and the student.
  • Leading others encourages them (and you) to access their intuition and emotions and use them as data to create more understanding and inform the next steps.
  • Leading others is recognizing their strengths, believing in them, holding their whole self sacred–and empowering them to do the same.
  • This is where you mentor, positively influence and foster lifelong learning.
We are infinite in our possibilities, learning, and growth, which ebb and flow into our understanding of self and others. Our work as leaders is to continue the journey of learning and utilizing your and their potential to reveal and elicit our evolving true selves.

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Lucy Schweinsteiger

Head Of Sales

Fusce eu felis dolor. Duis efficitur eget enim at sagittis. Sed non fermentum tortor, nec vestibulum est. Morbi interdum orci ut diam vestibulum sodales. Praesent in volutpat odio, molestie lacinia tortor. Ut pulvinar mattis lacus vitae vehicula. Donec condimentum tellus ut magna tempor sodales. Nam felis lectus, vehicula id dictum eget, pretium eu mi. Nam vel nibh vel turpis lobortis vulputate at at eros. In consectetur odio quis felis malesuada interdum. Praesent in.

Marine Johnson

General Manager

Fusce eu felis dolor. Duis efficitur eget enim at sagittis. Sed non fermentum tortor, nec vestibulum est. Morbi interdum orci ut diam vestibulum sodales. Praesent in volutpat odio, molestie lacinia tortor. Ut pulvinar mattis lacus vitae vehicula. Donec condimentum tellus ut magna tempor sodales. Nam felis lectus, vehicula id dictum eget, pretium eu mi. Nam vel nibh vel turpis lobortis vulputate at at eros. In consectetur odio quis felis malesuada interdum. Praesent in.

Dave Hackerman

Financial Manager

Fusce eu felis dolor. Duis efficitur eget enim at sagittis. Sed non fermentum tortor, nec vestibulum est. Morbi interdum orci ut diam vestibulum sodales. Praesent in volutpat odio, molestie lacinia tortor. Ut pulvinar mattis lacus vitae vehicula. Donec condimentum tellus ut magna tempor sodales. Nam felis lectus, vehicula id dictum eget, pretium eu mi. Nam vel nibh vel turpis lobortis vulputate at at eros. In consectetur odio quis felis malesuada interdum. Praesent in.

Lou Ling

Managing Director

Fusce eu felis dolor. Duis efficitur eget enim at sagittis. Sed non fermentum tortor, nec vestibulum est. Morbi interdum orci ut diam vestibulum sodales. Praesent in volutpat odio, molestie lacinia tortor. Ut pulvinar mattis lacus vitae vehicula. Donec condimentum tellus ut magna tempor sodales. Nam felis lectus, vehicula id dictum eget, pretium eu mi. Nam vel nibh vel turpis lobortis vulputate at at eros. In consectetur odio quis felis malesuada interdum. Praesent in.

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How My Success Started

Mary Neuschweinstein, CEO of EthicPower Ltd.

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is common placeholder text used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation, such as web pages, typography, and graphical layout. It is a form of "greeking".

Even though using "lorem ipsum" often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation. "Lorem ipsum" also approximates a typical distribution of letters in English. 

In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is common placeholder text used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation, such as web pages, typography, and graphical layout. It is a form of "greeking".

Even though using "lorem ipsum" often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation. "Lorem ipsum" also approximates a typical distribution of letters in English.

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39 Lion Street

Integer maximus vitae metus id consequat. Quisque quis lorem vitae ante egestas eleifend et eget ante. Fusce hendrerit commodo felis. Nullam tempus lobortis ullamcorper.

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